Sunday, December 4, 2011

"So That Others May Live"

I hate blogs.

I really do.

But, this blog has a purpose...

This blog is not about me. Sure, I will post stuff about myself, my life, my happenings. But really, this blog is not about me. This blog is about Christ. HE is all I want you to see.

The U.S. Coast Guard is a branch of the military that I am completely in love with. As a hardcore patriot and lover of all things military, I find every branch of the military enthralling. However, the Coast Guard captured my heart.

The purpose of the Coast Guard? "So That Others May Live." That one saying just drew me in.

My life is served so that others may live. The purpose of my life is to show others how God works in me so that they might find Him. By the actions of my finite life, I pray that I show others the infinite God that gives them true life.

So, on this blog, I want to share what God does in my life. I want to share verses that touch me, stories that move me, and the actions of Christ that transform me. 

This blog is a testament of my life, a testament to the glorious God that redeems me.